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Journal Publications

1.Rambaud-Lavigne L., Chatterjee A., Bovio S., Battu V, Lavigne Q., Gundiah N., Boudaoud A., Das P., ‘Heterogeneous identity, stiffness and growth characterise the shoot apex of Arabidopsis stem cell mutants’, Development, 2024 ( ).

2.Wang J., Chatterjee A., Zigan C.M., Alborn M., Chan D.D, Chortos A., ‘Pneumatically Controlled Non-Equibiaxial Cell Stretching Device with Live-cell Imaging’, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,2023(Currently in press, preprint link:

3.Wang, Y., Troughton L, Xu, F., Chatterjee A., Zhao H, Cifuentes, L. P., Wagner, B. R., Chen, J., Kuang, S., Suter, Yuan C, Chan D., Huang, F., Oakes P.W., Deng, Q. ‘Atypical peripheral actin band formation via overactivation of RhoA and Non-muscle myosin II in Mitofusin 2 deficient cells’, Elife, 2023 (

4.Verma BK., Chatterjee A., Kondaiah P., Gundiah N., ‘Substrate stiffness modulates TGF-β activation and ECM-associated gene expression in fibroblasts’, Bioengineering, 2023. ( ).
5. Samim MM, Dhar D, Goyal S, Dey T, Naznin P, Shah R, Singh V, Chowdhury S, Bhavesh M, Verghese N, Abhishek G, Chowdhury A, Chatterjee A., Siddiqui S., ‘AI-CoV Study: Autoimmune Encephalitis associated with COVID-19 and it’s vaccine- a Systematic review ’, Journal of Clinical Neurology , 2022 (
6.Chatterjee A., Kondaiah P., Gundiah N. ‘Stress fiber growth and remodeling determines cellular morphomechanics under uniaxial cyclic stretch’, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2022 (
7. KhajaMouniuddin S.B. Md. #, Chatterjee A. #, Bhat M.R, Harursampath D., Gundiah N., ‘Mechanical characterization of a woven multi-layered hyperelastic composite laminate under uniaxial loading’, Journal of Composite Materials, 2021 ( Equal Contribution

8. Dhar D, Dey T, Samim MM, Padmanabha H, Chatterjee A., Naznin P, Chandra SR, Mallesh K, Shah R, Siddiqui S, Pratik K, Ameya P, Abhishek G., ‘Systemic inflammatory syndrome in COVID-19–SISCoV study: systematic review and meta-analysis’, Pediatric Research, 2021 (
9. Chatterjee A., Chahare N., Kondaiah P., Gundiah N. ‘Role of fiber orientations in the mechanics of bioinspired fiber reinforced elastomers. Soft Robotics, 2020 (
10. Kulkarni A.H., Chatterjee A., Kondaiah P., Gundiah N. ‘TGF-β induces changes in breast cancer cell deformability’. Physical Biology, 2018 (
11. Chatterjee A., Dutta S., Mandal B.K., ‘Combustion performance and emission characteristics of hydrogen as an Internal Combustion Engine Fuel’. Journal of Aeronautical & Automotive Engineering (JAAE), 2014, ISSN, 2393-8579.

Manuscripts Under Review/Preparation

1. Chatterjee A., Davis Z.R., Lescun T, Chan D.D, ‘Multiscale Correlations between Joint and Tissue-Specific Biomechanics and Anatomy in Postmortem Ovine Stifles’, 2024 (biorxiv link:- ).
2. Zigan M.C, Alston B C., Chatterjee A., Solorio L, Chan D.D, ‘Characterization of Composite Agarose-Collagen Hydrogels for Chondrocyte Culture’, 2024 (biorxiv link:- ).

Conference Proceedings/Presentations

1. Chatterjee A , ‘Role of fiber orientation in the mechanics of cells and tissues under stretch’, Five-day Online FDP on "Modelling of Complex Systems using Mathematics", Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Chennai, November 6-10, 2023 (Invited talk).
2. Zigan M.C, Chatterjee A., Alston B C., Solorio L, Chan D.D, ‘Assessment of Agarose-Collagen Hydrogels for Chondrocyte Mechanobiology Studies’, 12th Annual Musculoskeletal Repair and Regeneration Symposium, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA October 25, 2023, (Poster Presentation).
3. Chatterjee A., Turner J., Banks J., Adebowale J., Chan D.D, Mendenhall J., ‘Fabrication and mechanical characterization of direct ink write 3d printed methacrylated hyaluronic acid cerium oxide scaffolds’, Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference (SB3C), Vail, Colorado, USA, June 4-8, 2023. (Poster Presentation).
4. Wang J., Chatterjee A., Zigan M. C., Chortos A., Chan D.D, ‘A pneumatically controlled device for uniaxial and biaxial cell stretching’, Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference (SB3C), Vail, Colorado, USA, June 4-8, 2023. (Poster Presentation).
5. Zigan C., Nguyen H., Chatterjee A., Chortos A., Chan D.D, ‘Effects of dynamic compressive loading on mechanical and biochemical properties of chondrocyte-embedded hydrogels’,Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference (SB3C), Vail, Colorado, USA, June 4-8, 2023. (Poster Presentation).
6. Chatterjee A., Chan D. D., ‘AFM and Multi-scale Biomechanics- from cells to tissues. EMBRIO Institute Annual Meeting. Purdue University, USA July, 2022.
7. Verma B K., Chatterjee A., Kondaiah P., Gundiah N, “Role of substrate stiffness in regulating integrin α5 expression and ECM-associated gene expression in fibroblasts”. 9th World Congress on Biomechanics, Taipei, 2022 (Poster Presentation).
8. Chatterjee A., Paddillaya N, Gaikwad C, Kondaiah P, Gundiah N, Stress fiber growth and remodeling enhances cellular contractility in fibroblasts under uniaxial cyclic stretch'. 9th World Congress of Biomechanics, Taipei, 2022.
9. Chatterjee A., Ramboud L., Gundiah N., Das P., ‘Cellular Growth and Stiffness Determines Morphometrics in Plant Stem Cell Mutants’, Biophysical Society 64th Annual Meeting, San Diego, February 15-19, 2020 (
10. Khaja Moinuddin S.B.Md, Chatterjee A., Bhat M.R, Gundiah N., Harursampath D.K., ‘Mechanical Characterization & Constitutive Modelling of a Compressible Hyperelastic Material’, Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM), IISc, Bangalore, July 2019.
11. Chatterjee A., Chahare N., Bekkari K., Kondaiah P., Gundiah N. ‘Constitutive properties of bio-inspired fiber reinforced elastomers with transverse isotropic symmetry’, Workshop on Non-Classical Advanced Mechanics of Materials, IISc, Bangalore, 2019.
12. Chatterjee A., Kondaiah P, Gundiah N, Cyclic stretch dependent actin growth and remodelling determines cellular morphoelastic response. Proceeding of the Fourth Soft Tissue Modelling Workshop, Glasgow, 2019.
13. Chatterjee A., Kondaiah P, Gundiah N, 'Fibroblast growth, remodelling, and stiffness changes due to actin and microtubule re-alignment under cyclic stretch'. World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, 2018(Poster Presentation).
14. Kulkarni A K., Chatterjee A., Kondaiah P., Gundiah N, “TGF-β induces changes in cell deformability depend on the cell invasive potential”. World Congress on Biomechanics, Dublin, 2018.
15. Chatterjee A., Chahare N.R., Kulkarni A.H., Kondaiah P., Gundiah N. -” Design of A Dynamic Cell Stretcher to Quantify Responses of Fibroblasts to Cyclic Stretching and TGF-beta”. 5th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering, University of Pittsburg. CMBE 2017 Proceedings Vol. 1, pp. 1273-1276.
16. Chatterjee A., Mandal B.K “Numerical Simulation of Water Filled Square Cavity Partially Heated from the Bottom” International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy technology, IIEST Shibpur 2014.
17. Chatterjee A., Dutta S., Mandal B.K “Combustion Performance and Emission Characteristics of Hydrogen as an Internal Combustion Engine Fuel” 5th International Conference on “Innovative Trends in Mechanical, Material, Manufacturing, Automobile, Aeronautical Engineering and Applied Physics” (ITMAEAP), JNU. Delhi, 2014.

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